Books for Homeschool Moms

"When I began to create some healthy structure, it helped my children to relax and learn. Their joy increased as my fear decreased."

-Mothering By the Book: The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy

So often we fill our carts, or our arms, full of books for our children but we can often neglect our own book stack that inspires us to do the work set before us well. 

Books that encourage us to enjoy these days with our children and that call to mind our mission and our vision for why we are doing this good and important work set before us.

So, we encourage you to carve out margin in your schedule each week to read a chapter or two that will fan the flame in your heart to run the race with endurance set before you in this journey of homeschooling.

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macauley

Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson

Awakening Wonder by Sally Clarkson

Free to Learn by Peter Gray

The Call of the Wild + Free by Ainsley Arment

Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie

Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito

What homeschooling books have encouraged and challenged you over the years?! 

Please share them with us in the comments and be sure to save this post to refer back to in the future.

You can find more book recommendations from The Peaceful Press at our Amazon Bookstore here.

Kristin DahmanComment