Christmas Gift Guide
Christmas is a great time to gift your child with resources that help them keep learning. We’ve got a few suggestions to correspond with The Peaceful Press Resources and don’t forget to grab one of our Christmas resources to help guide your memory making.
The Peaceful Preschool
The Peaceful Preschool is the perfect introduction to play-based learning for your 2-6-year-old students and these toys will enhance your learning.
Hammock Swing Chair We love reading aloud from a hammock chair or using it to rock a fussy infant or toddler.
Wobble Board A wobble board is a great resource for developing balance and brain coordination.
Sensory Bin Tools for Toddlers This is a collection of wooden scoops and dishes for sensory bin play.
Melissa and Doug Child Sized Table and Chairs A child-sized table and chairs are essential for helping young children develop skills for independent living. We love this wooden version.
Nourishing Nature Kindergarten
Nourishing Nature Kindergarten contain seasonal and habitat themed learning, and we love these resources for developing these themes.
Dig a Dozen Safari Animals Kit This set of 12 eggs that kids can break open and discover safari animals would be a fun stocking stuffer to correspond with the Rainforest Guide.
Melissa and Doug Vehicle Puzzles The vehicle puzzles would be fun while working through the City Guide.
Treehouse This treehouse would be a fun toy while studying the Tree Guide or the Rainforest Guide.
Ocean Water Beads The Ocean Water Beads collection has ocean animals and water beads for preschool sensory play. This looks like an engaging activity while studying oceans with The Ocean Guide.
North American Wildlife This Safari Toob contains several animals from North American mountains which makes it a fun resource while studying through the Mountain Guide.
Nasa Telescope For Kids This telescope looks like a great resource for families working through the Sky Guide.
Digital Microscope and Camera This microscope camera would be fun for looking up close at butterflies or tadpoles while learning about meadows and ponds with the Meadow and Freshwater Guides.
Wooden Fruits and Vegetables Wooden fruits and vegetables would be a fun toy while learning about harvest time in the Farm Guide.
The Playful Pioneers
The Playful Pioneers American History resource sparks wonderful imaginary playtime. These toys can be great accessories to your child’s play
Pioneer Dress When my daughter was 16 she worked at a camp as a historical docent. She sewed costumes like this for herself, but some of the necessary skills were beyond me and I simply purchased a bonnet or apron with a thrifted pioneer dress. This costume looks pretty and authentic if you don’t want to sew your own.
Covered Wagon Play Set We love the way that stories spark play, and these covered wagon figurines would be great for pioneer playtime.
Lodge Dutch Camp Oven This is more of a tool than a toy, but some of our best pioneer play memories involved cooking supper over the fire and this dutch oven makes it a little easier.
Drop Spindle The Playful Pioneers year is wonderful for learning colonial skills and this drop spindle and wool would be a sweet tool for learning to spin your own yarn.
Beeswax Candle Making Kit If you can find a local beekeeper to purchase bulk wax from, you can dip your own candles, but with younger students, rolling candles is much simpler.
Ukelele While learning from Pa Ingalls, we love working on our own musical ability, and learning to play the ukelele is a great place to start.
The Kind Kingdom
The Kind Kingdom European History resource covers so many fascinating time periods that can spark amazing creative play and learning. Here are a few we think you will love.
Melissa and Doug Folding Medieval Castle This castle toy would be lovely for helping your child act out the stories they are learning from.
Knight Costume This knight costume would help your child imagine himself as a character from the Chronicles of Narnia.
Herb Garden Kit Learning about monastic and castle life makes me want to keep bees and grow herb gardens. This kit is a good place to start.
Embroidery Stitches Kit Knitting, embroidery, and crochet are great activities while listening to read alouds, especially while learning about the Bayeaux Tapestry.
Wooden Doctor Kit While your child is learning about Florence Nightingale and the World Wars, they can practice doctor skills with this toy doctor kit, or better yet, get them some real tools to practice with.
Make This Medieval Castle We love using kits like this to build and play.
The Precious People
The Precious People is our resource for studying World History and here are a few toys and tools for making this study come to life.
Melissa and Doug World Map Puzzle This is a great puzzle for studying the world continent outlines.
Cleopatra Costume In the first half of The Precious People we study the Ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and culminate our Greek study with a feast. Giving your child a Cleopatra costume (she was a contemporary of many famous Greeks) or a toga would be a fun way to make this study come alive.
Squishy Human Body Model This human body model would be great while reading about Galen and studying the human body.
Schleich African Animals Family Shleich makes the best animal toys and these would be great while studying Africa with The Precious People.
Rainstick Toy A year of studying world cultures is a great time to listen to different sounds from around the world. Drums, rainsticks, and other percussion instruments are great for exploring these sounds.
Don’t forget to add some beautiful picture books to your child’s Christmas gifts. We use the guideline of “something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read” to help us keep Christmas reasonable, and you can find beautiful picture book and chapter book suggestions on our book lists.
This post contains affiliate links, mostly to Amazon. If you can shop local, we applaud you, but if you are using Amazon, thanks for using our link.
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