Thanksgiving in the Every Day

What are we thankful for?

Thankfulness is defined as pleased and relieved or expressing gratitude and relief.

Eckhart Tolle said,

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance."

Sometimes I have to stop and intentionally think about what I am thankful for.

What blessings in my life do I overlook because I am focused on the things that I don't have and that I think that I need?

When my children become complacent over worldly things I remind them (and myself) of true blessings that we can all be thankful for.

+ Hope in our faith

+ Clean drinking water

+ Food to nourish us

+ A home to live in

+ Warm beds to sleep in

+ Family that loves us

+ Books & Bibles to read

+ Freedom to choose home education

+ Life, breath, & health

Another great exercise that I have loved over the years is flipping my grumblings to gratefulness in day to day tasks of being a wife and mother and this poem always comes to mind.

I'm Thankful For...

Laundry - because it means that my family has clothes to wear.

Dishes - because it means that my family has food to eat.

Bills - because it means that we have financial provisions.

Making Beds - because it means we have a warm, soft place to rest at night.

Dusting - because it means we have furniture to enjoy.

Vacuuming - because it means we have a home to care for.

Picking Up Toys - because it means I have children to bring joy to my life.

Author: Unknown

So, what are you thankful for today? Tell us in the comments below!

This holiday season you can find thankfulness and create memories with your family with our holiday guides!

If you would like to get more organized and help to find more time with your family we have a printed Homeschool Planner available here on Amazon and a printable planner as well as a homeschooling course The Peaceful Path to a Peaceful Education. Organizing our days enables us to make less decisions throughout our days and frees up time for us to enjoy our families more!

Kristin Dahman1 Comment