Mama Self Care

In this world today self care can lead us in all of the wrong directions, mainly towards ourselves, and while caring for ourselves isn't in and of itself a bad thing, the way in which we go about doing it can be.

Caring for ourselves in ways that make us better mothers, wives, caregivers, and friends, on the other hand can not only improve our own lives but the lives of those who we love most.

Sometimes this may look like dying to ourselves and the things of this world, sometimes it looks like creating a better balance of what we do with our time, and sometimes it looks like picking up new things that will cultivate joy.

Mama Self Care:

1. Quiet Time- Anytime of day, no matter how imperfect it may seem, and no matter how short or long your time may be get in the Word and in prayer. It is life giving.

2. Declutter & Organize- Your mind will rest easier with less things in your home to care for and will afford you more time with your family. The less stuff that you have to worry about the less it takes up time in your mind and time in your day.

3. Hydration- Make it a priority. It is amazing how much better we feel with this one simple change in our days.

4. Vitamins - Invest in your health and support your body in whatever that entails for you specifically in each season of life.

5. Sleep & Rest- Schedule it around each season of motherhood because it is important. This will look different in each season and may take some sacrifice from other things that you would rather be doing but it will be worth it when you are a happier and well rested mama.

6. Get outdoors- Move your body, get fresh air, and vitamin D. Run and play with your children, take a walk, a hike, or a bike ride, sit and nature journal our Creator’s beautiful creation. There is so much joy and wonder to be found outdoors.

7. Mother culture- read a book, pick up a hobby, create something with your hands, learn something new. Find something to to to invest in yourself. This is part of teaching our children to develop a love for life long learning. When they see us still perusing education ourselves well out of our school days they they see that learning is something to strive for our whole lives! Whether it is reading, knitting, sewing, painting, baking, learning a new language or how to play an instrument for the first time we will be enriched and our children will be encouraged.

Be the example that you want for your children because the things that we do and how we take care of ourselves and our homes teaches them more than all of the things that we say to them.

Invest in yourselves mama and you will invest in generations to come.

Enrollment is now open for The Peaceful Loop to not only help with quick and easy lessons to help you include your toddlers through preschoolers into your daily school time BUT also includes prompts for mama self care to come alongside and encourage you on your journey as well!

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