Tips For Preventing Winter Burnout


As we get back into school after the winter holidays, burnout can threaten to derail us. Here are a few tips to preventing winter burnout.

  1. Change your routine-Some call this tidal schooling, but it just means you change things up a little to prevent burnout. This might mean taking a break from your regular routine to play board games and read-aloud for a week, or that you do more copywork and math worksheets for a week instead of coming up with involved projects every day. Your children are natural learners, and deviating from your normal routine for a week so you can regain fresh energy will be just fine.

  2. Read a homeschool book- I have so many interests, and I'm sure you do too, but when I take time to read a homeschool book, I get fresh energy for the job at hand. A few I love are The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart, The Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola, and Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto. I'm also excited to start Awakening Wonder by Sally Clarkson as a book club this spring (send me an e-mail if you'd like to read along!)

  3. Get outside- I know this can seem hard in the winter, but daily outside time gives us a chance to think and dream in the beauty of nature. Even if it's just for a few minutes a day, it will help give us the change of scenery and fresh air that invigorates.

  4. Set some goals- Having an idea of where you are going can help keep you on the path. A few of mine for this spring are more music practice, improve handwriting, and teach meal prep skills to my younger kids. Yours might be more involved, but having a few goals written down will help us know what we are working towards. Get The Peaceful Planner for helpful planning tips!

  5. Plan a reward- This might be coffee with a friend, or a special outing, or even rewarding everyone with a new book, but having something to look forward to is a huge preventative for burnout.


Are you looking to bring the beauty of nature into your school routine? Check out our free nature book list! This list contains over 100 beautiful nature books that make celebrating the changing seasons special.

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