5 Tips for Easing Homeschool Frustrations

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5 Tips For Easing Homeschool Frustration


1. Make sure that your expectations match your child's development. Most children even out in their learning by middle school, and many alternative schools don't even start formal reading lessons until age 8. Don't rush your children, and make sure you schedule in slow time, playful projects, and reasonable expectations. Click here to try our one month guides for an early elementary student who needs more hands on learning.

2. Schedule breaks. Whether it's a chance for children to blow off steam outside, or for you to blow off steam in your closet, when you see that emotions are rising, take a break, and don't expect young children to work for very long without one.

Easing Homeschool Frustrations With The Peaceful Press

3. Read aloud during meal times. If you are doing plenty of reading aloud in the early years, your children will build language skills, even if their reading and writing seems to lag, but it can be hard to corral young children to get them to listen. Use meal times, when little ones are at the table, to read aloud. Even 15-30 minutes a day will make a difference.

4. Smile at your children. It's easy for our faces to reflect the heaviness of our calling, as we try to meet the needs of babies and toddlers while schooling young children. Put a few reminders up to smile, so that your children know that you enjoy them, even if the job is hard sometimes.

Remembering why you are here and your long term family vision is so important as well and we have a free resource to assist you with that.

5. Establish a schedule or even a loose routine. Children thrive on consistency and especially during stressful times as much normalicy as possible can be important. Whether you are a schedule person or a routine person, our Peaceful Press Planner can make your life easier. The Peaceful Press Planner includes over 100 pages of helpful tools for planning a life that you love. You can customize your Peaceful Press Planner to fit the unique story of your family, include what serves you, and leave out what doesn't. You can also purchase the Homeschool Planner. It has all the best features of the Peaceful Planner, but it’s a hard copy, so is an efficient way of accessing an incredible homeschool and life planner.