Eliminate Homeschool Stress
Are you enjoying homeschooling? Are your children enjoying it?
I'm reading books right now on education, spirituality, and psychology, and each one emphasizes the importance of joy, and the importance of participation led learning. They also emphasize how learning and exploration get shut down when stress or fear are present.
And it's easy for stress and fear to creep into the learning environment, when mama is stressed or fearful. Our children pick up on our emotions and will respond accordingly.
I just wrote a book on overcoming fear (it will be available next August), and I share about how fear sabotaged some of the joy in my family and my homeschool.
But it doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to let outside expectations ruin motherhood for us, or steal the joy of homeschooling.
So this weekend, before you start planning the next week, ask yourself- “What brought us joy last week?”, “What caused us stress?”
For me, stress came last week when I overscheduled, which caused our morning time, and all the positive discussions that come from that, to be rushed.
Maybe for you, stress is coming from having too much busy work. Don't be afraid to simplify even further in your homeschool. If your child is doing some math and writing or phonics each day, and you are reading or listening to books daily, they will make progress. You don't need a bunch of worksheets to prove you are learning. (Our elementary resources eliminate busywork and focus on enjoyable learning)
Maybe stress is coming from being underprepared. You might need to take some time this weekend to gather learning materials and plan out some easy meals so that you aren't scrambling on Monday morning. (Our printable planner with meal planning, book wish list, and week at a glance can help, and it's free in our new course!)
Maybe stress is coming from being overscheduled. If you are in the season of babies and toddlers, getting out of the house is difficult, and your life is going to be more peaceful if you keep the schedule clear. That might mean just doing music lessons and Awanas, or just doing soccer with your school-age kids, instead of doing all the things, but it will pay off in a happier home when mama isn't stressed. (Take a minute to look at a week at a glance and be sure you have plenty of margin built-in)
If you need more help creating a peaceful life with your family, check out the resources in our shop, or our new course, A Peaceful Path to a Living Education.