Finding a Homeschool Community


All to often I have received messages from moms who are traveling this road alone.

Either they don't have a community of homeschoolers that they belong to or they are facing family and friends who disapprove of their choice of schooling for their children. Sometimes they are facing both.

I am here to tell you that I have been there.

In the beginning my family was leery of our decision to homeschool.

The Lord had put it on my heart so there was no looking back or being coerced into another option even when I sometimes questioned my own decision.

Over the years my family have seen the benefits and have become grateful for our decision to home educate our children especially as they have seen the changes occurring in the public school system. It just isn't the same as it was when I grew up and they see that now. They also have seen me stand true to my convictions.

As for community I stared out alone. Many of us do.

They say that we become like the five people that we spend the most time with.

For me that would be my children. While wonderful as it may be that they are who I have the privilege to spend my days with it is vital for myself and for them that I surround myself with like minded people. People who will help to build me up and pour into me so that my overflow onto them is life giving as well.

So, how do we do this when we feel that we don't have anyone to turn to?

1. Seek out the One who called you to this place daily. Be in the Word and in prayer through your days.

2. Find like minded online community for daily encouragement and support. The Peaceful Press has Facebook groups for each of our curriculums that encourage each other every day. Instagram is another great tool for connecting with homeschoolers around the world as well.

3. Talk and pray with your spouse about your days and your struggles.

4. Find in person community. We were made for face to face connection. Seek out local churches or homeschool community groups or start your own. We weren't made to travel this road alone and you don't have to.

We have a new course called The Path to A Living Education which helps to equip you on your homeschool journey. We invite you to take a closer look and to join us in a pursuit to feel less alone and more empowered in this beautiful journey together.

Won't you join us?!

Kristin DahmanComment