Expectations Verses the Realities of Homeschooling

There is so much beauty to be found in homeschooling.

We gather beautiful materials, curriculum, and resources with anticipation to help our children to learn and to grow.

We anticipate beautiful days together. Sometimes we see all that we had envisioned come to fruition.

Some days it is difficult to see our vision and we are discouraged.

The thing is these days are the opportunities to come alongside of our children when they are struggling and to stop to see their hearts.

We have the opportunity to encourage them, not only to NOT do the wrong things, but to encourage them to do the RIGHT things.

We have the freedom to stop what we are doing and redirect them by doing something as simple as taking a walk and getting out into God's creation.

It can be a game changer and a help to refocus a day that seems to be spiraling out of control.

The real beauty of this lifestyle isn't merely found in the tangible things but within the relationships that we are investing in with our children and within our families.

Embrace the beauty of the good days and the bad. Lean into the hard days with anticipation of the good that can be found in it. Remember that you you were created for such a time as this to this mission field of motherhood.

We have an allowance of time with them and we need to guard that time and spend it wisely.

If you are struggling with knowing how to prioritize your time, our new Peaceful Path to a Living Education course will help. We cover vision, planning, what to teach, how to teach, and problem solving in five video-based sessions. Watch for it to release this week with special introductory pricing!

What is your go to on difficult days?

What helps your children and what doesn't help?

Let's encourage each other in these things.

Kristin DahmanComment