Our Constant & Focus in an Uncertain World


While the world can seem to be spinning out of control we know the One who holds it in the palm of his hand.

Our children are watching and listening.

They pick up on more than we realize.

We are their constant and they are our reason to focus on the good in the world.

They are the future right before our very eyes.

We can choose to sit in worry or we can teach them that the Word tells us to not be afraid.

We can keep the realities of the world from them or we can compassionately teach them to pray bold prayers and to be aware of what is going on around them.

They pick up on more than we realize.

We can read to them and teach them about the brave men and women that have gone before us and bravely faced uncertain futures to a certain God.

These stories and the characters within them that we are reading to them over the years are molding and shaping who they are becoming.

We have the opportunity to teach them about sympathy and hope and love for neighbor.

We can plant seeds and cultivate empathy and a desire to serve others even when hope may seem lost, when they are far from us, or it seems as if we have nothing to give.

Gather them together, hold them close, lean into life together, and always see the hope even amongst the darkest days.

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."

-Corrie Ten Boom

There are so many books within the curriculums from The Peaceful Press that tell the heroic stories of battles fought, of tragedy overcome, and of the building of character through adversity and unimaginable circumstances. It is in these stories that we can walk alongside of different cultures and experiences and witness it though the lens of another. We are able to sympathize with them, learn from their character and be encouraged by their bravery all because of a book read and discussed with the ones that we love. Come along on a journey that not only develops a love for life long learning but encourages us all to be better people full of hope and love.

Kristin DahmanComment