Homeschool Realities & Bringing Your Vision To Fruition

Sometimes on this homeschooling journey days can look like a mama who dreads facing the day.

Those days often end in tears for her and her children.

She feels the need to check off all of the boxes and the need to enforce sitting still and filling in workbooks all day. Their relationships are strained and they are just trying to get through each day.

There is no margin of time for anything extra and they all wonder why they chose this life.

But sometimes homeschooling can look like a mama who greets the day with joy and anticipation for what the day will hold.

Their days usually end in anticipation for the next chapter of a good book and what adventures await her and her children the next day.

She doesn't feel the need to check off all of the boxes and the need to enforce sitting still and filling in workbooks all day. Instead she enjoys their days with them and they do as well.

They are free to work with their hands as they listen to stories that capture their attention and imagination.

They excitedly give their own retelling of what they have learned.

They have margin in their days to get out into nature and to explore.

They are building relationships within their family as they learn, adventure, and grow together each day.

They can't imagine life apart from this and they are so grateful for this time together.

Sometimes curriculum can feel like we are slaves to them.

I am here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way though!

Curriculums, like those that we offer here at The Peaceful Press, encourage developing family relationships, getting outdoors, working with your hands, learning life skills, having conversations about what your are learning, reading good books, and having margin and peace in your days.

What is your vision for the year to come?

How can we help you to see that vision come to fruition?

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