Back to School & Our Mission Field

There's just something about the back to school season.

The new supplies, books, curriculum, the cleaned and organized space, and the hope of what is to come that all add to the anticipation of the new year ahead.

It's the fresh start and the new beginning that gives way to the adventure before us to learn and grow in knowledge and wisdom.

It's a clean slate that begs to be written upon and then erased but never truly forgotten.

This life that we live is such a gift that can seem less than in the thick of it but there is nothing like the hope of what is to come to remind us what a gift it truly is.

It is in these moments that we can work through the difficult days and be reminded why we choose to stand in this space with our children and look back on all the ground that we have covered to keep running the race set before us with confidence and assurity.

Take a minute today to make a list of all of the reasons that you choose to homeschool and all of the amazing things that have happened in your life and in the lives of your children because of it. There's just something about the back to school season.

The new supplies, books, curriculum, the cleaned and organized space, and the hope of what is to come that all add to the anticipation of the new year ahead.

It's the fresh start and the new beginning that gives way to the adventure before us to learn and grow in knowledge and wisdom.

It's a clean slate that begs to be written upon and then erased but never truly forgotten.

This life that we live is such a gift that can seem less than

in the thick of it but there is nothing like the hope of what is to come to remind us what a gift it truly is.

It is in these moments that we can work through the difficult days and be reminded why we choose to stand in this space with our children and look back on all the ground that we have covered to keep running the race set before us with confidence and assurity.

Take a minute today to make a list of all of the reasons that you choose to homeschool and all of the amazing things that have happened in your life and in the lives of your children because of it.

Then tuck it away for those difficult days to remind yourself of why you are here and how far you have all come.

These days really are a fleeting gift.

Let us not lose sight of our mission field mamas.

What is the best gift that homeschooling has afforded you?

  • Has it brought you closer as a family?

  • Has it offered you more margin in your days?

  • Have you had more opportunity to disciple your children?

  • Do you have more time to get out into nature?

  • Are you learning alongside of your children?

  • Are your children developing a love for life long learning?

If not what is holding you back? Are you overwhelmed? Is there too much on your plate?

May I recommend taking a look at one of our curriculums such as The Peaceful Preschool, Nourishing Nature Kindergarten, The Playful Pioneers, The Precious People, or The Kind Kingdom, or printing out a free sample to see if it would be a good fit for your family?

Let us take the burden off of you and help you to have a more peaceful school year this year.

Kristin DahmanComment