The Freedom of Homeschooling

We all want to provide our children with a happy childhood and a good education.

It can feel like the two goals are in opposition. A good education might mean a stressful school situation with separated desks, frequent tests, and masked teachers.

A happy childhood might entail freedom from the classroom, time to play, and the absence of homework.

At the Peaceful Press, we believe that children can have a happy childhood and a good education, and our resources are designed to accommodate both in joyful, natural ways.

Homeschooling with The Peaceful Press empowers us to drop unreasonable expectations and sets us free to learn and grow without restriction.

Our family-centered resources open up the opportunity to learn at our grade level without being limited to it.

If your child excels in a specific subject they are free to explore beyond grade level. The same child might struggle in another subject area but have the freedom to ponder on it a bit longer until he or she is able to learn a new concept.

We learn to communicate well through reading beautiful stories and talking, crafting, and baking our way through these books. This results in strong reading comprehension and project management skills.

We learn early math through counting, baking, and measuring together, which provides a strong foundation for upper-level math.

We learn to read through playing with words, reading poetry, and memorizing phonograms which provides a playful yet thorough beginning to a lifetime of reading.

And we learn history and science through learning to love the world and the people and creatures in it through great books and exploration.

Children who have worked through the Peaceful Press resources are well prepared for later academic work, but what is even more important is that they have been given a healthy and whole childhood.

And childhood is too precious to waste.

But don’t take our word for it. Check out what our customers say about The Peaceful Press…

“We’re having so much fun with this curriculum that it doesn’t “feel” like learning. Can we really be having this much fun and still learning?! “


“ With this being my 9th year of homeschooling, with three children, the year we used Playful Pioneers goes down in history as our most successful, enjoyable and highest retention for learning we have ever had in a school year. “


“Peaceful preschool has been such a beautiful introduction into this homeschool world…..

He has surpassed any and all goals I set for him this year. I was just hoping for upper and lower case letter recognition, and counting/ number recognition 1-to 20. The end. 

We have accomplished ALL of that, plus counting 1-40, knowing the phonics of almost all letters, helping with chores, knowing Bible stories, and he is starting to put letters together into words on his own. 😳 At 3 1/2.  

And I really put minimal effort in each week. Like 15-20 minutes 3x a week. Truly. 😅🤣 it’s amazing. Thank you!”


If you want to give your child the gift of a happy childhood and a good education The Peaceful Press has resources to help you get started.

We offer preschool, kindergarten, elementary parent guides to help you and your children enjoy learning together.

Kristin DahmanComment