The Filling Up & the Pouring Out

"If mothers could learn to do for themselves what they do for their children when these are overdone, we should have happier households. Let the mother go out to play!"

-Charlotte Mason

One of the best things that we can do for our families is to take care of ourselves. What we put into ourselves, or the the lack thereof, is what we then pour out onto our families. This doesn’t mean that we will have the perfect day but it does equip us to face the day on the right foot and we will be more likely to respond with loving kindness rather than frustration. There is so much peace and wisdom to cultivate in the wee hours of the morning if we are willing and able to carve out this time and invest in ourselves at the start of each new day.

"A mother is only (one) woman, but she needs the love of Jacob, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Moses, the foresight of Joseph, and the firmness of Daniel."

-author unknown

Our morning time routine can help us to pour into ourselves and set us up for fueling us for the day ahead. It doesn’t take much to get ourselves ready for the day and filled with truth if we make it a priority.

Some of the ways that we can facilitate this are:

-Getting into the Word daily even if it is only one verse to meditate on through the day. Post it throughout your home on sticky notes on your mirror, by the kitchen sink, in your car, on your bedside table, etc. Our FREE Scripture memory verse cards from The Peaceful Press are also a wonderful resource for hiding God’s word in our hearts.

-Carving out a space in our homes for ourselves. Find a space , however small, just for you.

-Making our own quiet time a priority. Plan for it. Even if early mornings don’t work for you in this season steal away even small moments throughout your day or before you go to bed for the night.

-Putting together our own morning time/mother culture basket for easy accessibility and portability. Bible, Journal, planner, books that you are currently reading, nature journal, sticky notes, and other office supplies that you will need and use, etc.

-Getting out into nature. Fresh air, Vitamin D, and taking in the Lord’s beautiful creation and even a bit of exercise by default.

-Drinking enough water. Hydration makes such a big difference in how we feel and how we feel can really effect our over all mood and responses.

It is so helpful for us to reset and to have a designated space to house what a we are using in each season and to create a routine to start our days that is fresh and new.

In every season of life this will look different from newborn to teenage stages of parenting.

Make yourself a priority for them which, in turn, will also benefit you.

Do you have a special space just for you?

Do you keep a morning basket just for yourself?

Do you participate in mother culture?

Kristin DahmanComment