Seasonal Guides & Winter Activities

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:"

Eccles. 3:1

Comfort and sustenance, awe and growth, harvest and thankfulness are some of the themes that we visit in our seasonal guides as we celebrate the change of the seasons with our children and find all that there is for us to discover within each season.

We can help our children to learn about the changing of the seasons and how there is a time and a purpose for everything not just within each season but in the seasons of life as well.

Each season has it's own uniqueness to be discovered and gleaned from.

Winter activities:

1. Hand roll or dip beeswax candles.

2. Cut out snowflakes and hang them in your windows.

3. Make pinecone bird feeders with birdseed and peanut butter.

4. Paint with homemade pine needle brushes.

5. Gather a basket of winter books to read together through out the season.

6. Make a hot chocolate bar for afternoon tea time.

7. Collect and donate blankets for those in need.

8. Make soup and bake bread together.

9. Go sledding or ice skating.

10. Build a snowman.

What is your favorite season to discover with your children or your favorite winter activity?

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