Teaching Good Habits

Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Charles Reade

Teaching good habits is an important way to equip your child for a happy life. As they learn to care for themselves, their belongings, and their surroundings, they build the foundation for attainment of future goals. Each day that they make their bed and brush their teeth consistently means that soon they will have the energy to acquire new habits, and good habits create a good life.

Here are some tips for developing good habits.

  1. Start small. Give them just one or two basic habits or chores to learn, and work towards consistency in those before adding more.

  2. Teach the habit. Don’t just tell your child to do something. Show them how to do it, and do it with them. Make visual reminders of what is involved in that habit, and give them the tools and information they need to do it well.

  3. Inspect what you expect. Instead of just sending them off to do their chores while you get busy elsewhere, take time to inspect their work when they finish. It may be more laborious initially, but you will save hours in the future.

  4. Track habits. You can use our Chore and Routine Pack picture cards and charts so that your child can track their habits, and the included habit tracker so that you and your older children can track the habits that you are working on.

Grab our all new Chore and Routine Pack so you can help your children develop the habits they need for a happy and well ordered life.

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