Planning Helps for a New Year

As we draw closer to the end of the year, I love to take time to reflect on some of my goals and dreams for myself and my family, along with the highs and lows of the year.

This past year, my word was simplicity and peace, and Isaiah 30:15 “In returning and rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence will be your strength” was my verse. 

In looking back over the year, I can see how well we navigated turbulent times with peace, and how much we've grown as a family. Goal setting and reflecting as a regular practice have helped us intentionally parent our children and resolve conflicts instead of living with broken relationships.

There is a lot of beauty to reflect on in the Peaceful Press world as well and new resources to help your family become more happy and connected.

We completed a full year of habit building with the Peaceful Loop and developed deep friendships and support towards intentional family life through our year long study of Habits of the Household. 

We released the new Playful Pioneers Volume 2 which uses the engaging Holling C. Holling books as a spine to study American History and Geography. 

We created a new Early Years Morning Menu which helps young children with basic skills and a new Student Planner which helps middle elementary through adults plan a more intentional life. 

And our Restoration Home podcast hit 100k downloads this year!

If you are ready to start planning your own intentional life, check out these resources:

The Peaceful Life Workshop- This workshop guides you through crafting a vision for your home and family and developing a better rhythm.

The Peaceful Press Planner- This undated 12 month planner includes space for brainstorming a yearly vision, keeping attendance and tracking grades, and planning your top priorities for each week.

The Peaceful Press Student Planner- This undated 12 month planner includes space for reflection, for doodling the week, for tracking habits and books read and more. (Digital version here)

The Restoration Home Community- We open in January and this year we will be tracking habits for a year using my upcoming book, Habits for a Sacred Home as the spine. Members will be invited to a private retreat and it's a great resource for building a strong foundation for your family.

If you are struggling to connect with your children this holiday season, it's not too late to start Unearthing Wonder or the Peaceful Press Holiday Book Flood. You can start either resource on any day, simply start on the day that corresponds with the day of the month you are on, or start from Day 1 and enjoy them for a few days after Christmas.