Books That Cultivate Courage and Compassion

As we read books to our children, we are not just exposing them to literacy, but exposing them to the world, and cultivating in them a love for others that can translate into world changing actions.

John Ruskin in The Crown of Wild Olive said this about true education,

The entire object of true education is to make people not merely do the right things, but enjoy the right things-not merely industrious, but to love industry-not merely learned, but to love knowledge-not merely pure, but to love purity-not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after justice.”

As we read books to our children, we are not just exposing them to literacy, but exposing them to the world, and cultivating in them a love for others that can translate into world changing actions.

Below is a list of some beautiful books for cultivating courage and compassion, books about people who have overcome difficulties in their life, and books about seeing the best in people.

We’d love to know - what books have infused your family with courage, and inspired more compassion?

books that cultivate courage and compassion books and painting

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This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for clicking through and showing your support. While we think that nothing is better than reading an actual story to your child, you can also find many of these as Youtube read alouds.