Educational Summer Bucket List Ideas

Creating an educational summer bucket list with your children can be a fun and engaging way to keep learning alive during the break.

Pull out your notebooks and write 10 goals for the summer, or 10 things you want to learn, or 10 things you want to do. Having your children make the list helps make it easier to plan your next studies and carve out interest led summer learning.

Here are some ideas that combine education with summer fun:

  1. Visit a museum

  2. Take a nature walk or hike

  3. Camp in your backyard

  4. Start a garden

  5. Go geocaching

  6. Beach or lake day

  7. Go on a bike ride

  8. Keep a summer nature journal

  9. Create a summer reading challenge

  10. Build a sand castle

  11. Volunteer as a family at a food bank or animal shelter

  12. Make ice cream or popsicles

  13. Connect with a pen pal

  14. Go swimming

  15. Have a lemonade stand

  16. Cook or bake a new recipe

  17. Raise tadpoles, butterflies, praying mantis or ladybugs

  18. Go to a local fair or festival

  19. Build a marble run with toilet paper rolls

  20. Make your own volcano eruption experiment

  21. Play in a creek

  22. Catch fireflies at night

  23. Make sun art

  24. Go stargazing at night

  25. Have a backyard bonfire with s’mores

  26. Water balloon toss

  27. Make homemade lemonade

  28. Practice a sport

  29. Visit a farmers market

  30. Watch fireworks

  31. Make homemade playdough

  32. Play flashlight tag

  33. Create an obstacle course

  34. Pick fresh berries

  35. Visit a splash pad

  36. Make your own kite and fly it

  37. Go fishing

  38. Learn a new instrument

  39. Make sun tea

  40. Tie dye t-shirts

  41. Have a family movie night with build your own ice cream sundae bar and homemade popcorn

  42. Go to a drive in movie

  43. Make an ocean themed sensory bin

  44. Play a family yard game like corn hole, bocce ball or ring toss

  45. Visit the zoo or aquarium

  46. Paint kindness rocks to place around your town

  47. Go on a nature scavenger hunt

  48. Have a homemade pizza night

  49. Make a DIY solar oven

  50. Explore a new park

Looking for more ideas to enhance summer learning? Check out our Summer Bundle: 12 weeks of hands-on learning for preschool through early elementary, available for just $27.